For these spouses I like to think of prep gifts to give that do not offend their delicate senses. And, who could be offended by pineapple preserves? Apple butter never hurt anyone's feelings! I know vanilla extract, scented alcohol, and perfume makes people smile and get all silly.
I have several ideas for gift baskets for the prepper.
Start now, so if you are making your gifts, the jellies have time to set before giving. One of my daughters-in-law was told to wait a couple weeks before diving into her grape jelly. That did not happen! She proudly announced, when you are desperate for the taste of homemade, you can dip your toast right in the jar! And, so she did! Happily! Then she asked if he ever had a 'failed' batch again, she called dibs!
Tomatoes may have been in the jar for a time, but are perfectly giftable! |
These preserved gifts are nice gifts for anyone at anytime, but I like to offer them as a suggestion to you for the partners in the family who think the prepping thing is ........not for them........or not very festive.
Make it festive!
If you have a relative that likes watermelons, get a watermelon basket. Fill it with all sorts of homemade sweets. Make the basket as much as you can, a part of the gift.
There! you have the preserved gift for the non-prepper. It is lovely, thoughtful and always welcome when given with some thought beforehand.
Sure, you can give a single basket to a married couple and make the non-prepping partner just suck it up and enjoy the basket of hand made fire starters. But, that is not in keeping with the season. Think bigger than yourself.
Remember the season and the joy of giving. Stay out of other people's relationships, especially this holiday season. Don't be the source of friction in anyone's relationship, any time of the year. Think about the spouse on the outside. Who wants to be left out?
It must be difficult for them to keep turning a smiling face to their beloved prepper and remain hopeful. If that is the bubble they live in, don't touch the bubble! So, while I am thinking prep gifts for my preppers, I am also thinking about the sweet spouses who choose to live trouble free in their thinking, hoping always for the best. They get jelly!
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