I have a few items, big ticket and bulky. I will list them on Craigslist but they are stored at a storage unit full of bulky yard tools. Nothing there to see. When I get a call to look see, I will meet the person in public, under camera surveillance. Post-TSHTF, I would never set up a barter station in my front yard. Security is too important.
As much as I dislike the idea of posting items for sale on public internet forums like Craigslist, the idea of inviting strangers to my getaway home to look at my stock seems a terrible mistake, a threat to home and family.
An offsite location would be needed to trade. At powwows, we have a blanket trade time setup Usually in the morning until noon, anyone who has something to trade sets out a blanket with items on it. Trade begins. No one comes to your camp, no one sees what's in your travel vehicle, no one knows where you live. The trade is done when items are exchanged. This method of barter trading (and, we do not scoff at trading for money) is also popular at Rendezvous, or frontier gatherings.
I think post-TSHTF, a best way to barter when it is safe would be the powwow style. There should be a few rules.
A group of people known to you, like neighbors or family, agree on items to barter and what is acceptable trade goods. Not everyone needs gold. Someone will need a good buck saw or tomahawk or made goods.
It will be agreed who will go to the trade site, where the trade site will be and how long the trade will take. Perhaps other groups of well prepared neighbors will want to join in the trade day.
It should be agreed that those who go to trade are not all traders. Some should be security. Shoplifting will still be a problem among people without morals, traded goods will need to make it home without anyone following.
Agreeing up front who goes and who stays also takes security at home into account. If you empty your home of people, your home could be empty when you return.
http://america.discovery.com/tv-shows/ hillbilly-blood/about-this-show/about-hillbilly-blood.htm |
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