I see a lot of different people and hear some interesting statements being made by people with little or no experience outside of their bubble, daily, even before I turn on the television! So, when TMZ was playing in the background and I heard someone quote Tom Cruise saying his location shoots were just like being in Afghanistan, I chuckled a bit. His bubble is small and thick, if that is his belief! Was someone shooting at Tom Cruise with live ammo and I never heard about it?
(no photograph of Mr. Cruise will be posted here, it's a personal choice!)
I mean to say, if he thinks something in his head is clever and he says it out loud and it still sounds clever, he should get out more!
Maybe, he should ask a veteran with no legs if shooting a film where he is trained, insured and guarded from real danger is just like having your legs blown off.
Being in combat is not like making a movie, like being in jail or watching a movie in jail! It is something like being in a foreign country where people want to kill you and trying to move forward for the good of a nation while NOT getting killed, if possible.
Even if the world is all peaches and fairies for the next forty years and you don't need a skilled warrior to train the young or protect the core group while the patrols are out, a veteran has a world of good to offer a community, a company, a country. An injured combat experienced veteran IS the real deal.
A combat injured veteran already has the training to survive, to adapt to overcome and has proven their ability to exercise those skills. You would hardly see that veteran cry because his or her latte has gone cold. You could count on that veteran to show up, grateful to continue to do whatever job placed before them, so long as they felt respected and needed.
Veteran's don't ask for the thank you or the 'good job!". But it wouldn't kill us to break out of our bubbles and say thank you, job well done.
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