Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Critical Items to Prep 
     A couple nights ago, I posted a note on finding a second income.  It is still a good idea.  However, since then, several well meaning associates have posted some links on my Facebook page for survival tips.  

     I know they meant well, but, when I clicked on the links hoping to read about 37 critical items that disappear in a crisis, I watched about half of a tow minute Art Tablet animated video while a nice deep voice talked a lot of garbage about government, weather and human behavior.  I clicked off the page and was offered the written form of the sales pitch.  Curious, I clicked and scrolled down to find if you wanted the list of 37 items you need pay $99.  What a load of hooey! -
     First of all, if there are 37 things that are critical and I am missing any, I should have items to barter with to obtain them.  I will keep my $99!  I confess, this was a clever way to use panic, fear or ignorance to make a buck.  I do not approve, but I can see some people listening to the entire two minute diatribe and buying in to the idea that this faceless person knows better than you do, what you need in a crunch.  

     The beginner prepper may be drawn in thinking this person is some expert willing to share the secrets of building supplies by buying the most critical supplies first.  It's a pity.  Anyone selling fear is selling an empty, possibly harmful bill of goods.  Anyone buying out of fear is buying the same.  

     If you want to know what the 37 essential prep items are, keep your grocery shopping receipts for a month and make a list of the things you buy repeatedly.  Add water, water filtration and cleaning supplies to medical needs and there is your list!  You do know what you need better than anyone else.

    If you feel the need and have the legal right to store weapons, then that is on your list.  If you have special dietary requirements, then the items on that list are your on your list.  You do not need to spend $99 to get your list in order.

ruangchotvits - Disaster Recovery Plan
    In the very first posts I made on this blog I stated and will restate, the first steps you take in prepping is getting to know what you have, and what you need.  Listing is a good way to get to know yourself and to get your thoughts and supplies in order. Pay $.99 for a notebook.  Write down all you have, all you purchase repeatedly, and what you need when the stores have nothing.  

     Cross off everything that requires refrigeration or freezing in the summer.  Replace those items on your list with substitutions in the dehydrated or canned form.  Your list of prep supplies is forming up nicely.  

     Reexamine your family history.  Will you develop a blood sugar problem?  Will you stress eat?  Will you have stress headaches?  Will you need magnifier reading glasses?  These are things that are critical to your future well being and their consideration should appear on your list.  

     Get online, look at other's lists.  Go to and find 'list of lists'.
Nice To Know


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank You, for your common sense approach to Emergency Preparedness Planning. This is exactly how large companies normally do it. We used to plan from a major perspective of disaster recovery. Power outage, how to operate the company, and how to survive, to bring it back online to complete operability.
This should be how a family should operate and plan for first 72 hours to one week. If power is down, no ATMs, no gas stations, and etc. so approaching storms have at least a full tank of gasoline in vehicles, to charge cell phones if needed, better to have solar chargers for that, and etc.