pumpkinhollowprimitives.blogspot.com |
I have been to Folgers' website and the coffee giant recommends coffee only up to it's best by date. There are other sites that verify roasted coffee changing it's flavor after exposure to air. Even if refrigerated, once opened coffee is only considered good for a month. Should anything happen to the global market and grind the gears of commerce to a halt, coffee will be worth it's weight in gold for a time.
www.sweetmarias.com is Sweet Maria's Coffee Library. The site recommends the storage of green or unroasted coffee beans to be stored at a constant 75 degrees. A cooler is suggested for extremely dry or humid climates.
For the longest storage for long term prepper's I suggest buying from an established online source like:
http://www.coffeebeandirect.com $5-$10 a pound plus shipping.
http://www.sweetmarias.com is a bit more but they sell roasting supplies too
http://www.burmancoffee.com offers more blends and bulk.
http://www.bedbathandbeyond.com |
There are many methods for brewing coffee. The stove top coffee brewer, also called a percolator, is a good appliance to store with your long term storage and have one on hand to practice with in the kitchen.
The Coleman camp coffee pot |
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