Friday, February 8, 2013

Get ready to get ready.
      In a prepper's life, we are getting ready for life.  Life is change.  Not all change is easy.  We prepare for hard times be it storm or financial or political, we know change is coming and we prepare.  We all have our notion of what to prepare for.  Some prep for several contingencies at once as needs overlap.
      Unfortunately, I just saw a FOX News story that relates Massachusetts is on order not to travel.  Stores are closed, tickets and possible jail time could be the result of crossing the ban.  So, for tonight, for the Northeast it is too late to scurry.  It must be a frightening night for people who have only ever been free to come and go to buy and spend to have to stay put, stay safe.  My prayers go out to those in the path of this new snowstorm.  
      My best advice to anyone at anytime is, stay calm.  Even if you have to take up yoga and controlled breathing exercises, stay calm.  In a state of calm you are better able to ready yourself and your family to survive. Stay calm, know your surroundings, come up with a plan before disaster strikes and practice with your family or group.  Be prepared by preparing.  The more you prepare, the less stress you may suffer.  That makes staying calm easier. 
      The first steps most newly aware or awakened preppers do is go buy food. This is not a bad thing.  But, what to buy first, when we can?  We have all taken some history or seen on Discovery Channel or PBS how the pharaohs stored grains in their tombs that survived the centuries, so first thing in the prep pantry tends to be rice.  It's still cheap and easy to come by and we know it is filling.  Please look into the archive list at the right and do not store rice in used (even if dried) water bottles that are clear.  Be sure to look for BPA free plastics.  Also, when gathering food for impending disaster, don't forget fuel for cooking and proper ventilation if using flame indoors. 
      The next most likely step newbies take is to stock batteries and water.  I don't want to put anyone down, so I won't.  I will make a few additional suggestions.  Water does not store as long as you would think and isn't all that safe stored in clear plastic bottles.   Batteries do not last forever, but I am glad that the freshness date is now printed on the batteries so you know how long you have to store them before they need rotation.  The photo to the left is a 24 bay battery charger if you decide to go rechargeable.

     I once filled ten one gallon bottles of water at the beginning of a hurricane season, only to have two split there seams suddenly in the fall! So, I give good advice as I make mistakes for you!  Water stored in the North, should not be full to the top as it expands as it freezes and can break loose from it's container.  The cure to this problem, was to purchase more water bladders and fill them as the storm approached. 

     Food, water, warmth and shelter are the founding concerns for all of us.  As a new prepper, I suggest not going shopping or going overboard shopping till you have a plan and some lists.  I don't think every new prepper needs a grain mill on the first day or a butter churn in week two.  Start with the beginning.  Set goals that are reachable.  Prep for a week long disaster that will return electricity and running water to you in seven days.  After that set your next goal for a month long stay in home with no power or running water. 

     At this point you will know more about supplies, family needs and your own personal beliefs   From this point you decide will you survive in home or move to a retreat.  Will you be able to survive without help from more qualified friend or family?  Do you want to include or exclude the dead weight of friends without skills or family with drama and little work ethic.  You may even decide you are done.  This is good for you.  I am not done.  I prep every day to live a bit longer no matter what comes next.  Come back and browse the blog, there is information, stories and links to other informative sites.


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