Lowe's Home Improvement store offers several models of home composters.
table top composter, under $60 |
You can go to www.lowes.com and shop online. Before the prices show up you have to type in a zip code, prices may vary regionally. Once you tell Lowe's where you are, you can create a tracking database for all of your purchases. One of my sons uses this feature in his painting business. If he looses an invoice or a color number, he can track it. If you wish to opt out, you may.
http://store.alsarmynavy.com |
The local Army/Navy store here in central Florida, Al's Army/Navy has their boots on sale half off in store. They also have a website for those of you out of the area. I like to do some shopping online and schedule a day top do all the pickups. You can save considerable money on shipping if you pickup in store. If Al is not an option for you, get to your search bar and type in army navy store and find your local supplier for military surplus and outdoor gear.
http://www.harborfreight.com |
Before you click off today's blog, click over to Harbor Freight because they also have a dutch oven, a dehydrator, a set of jeweler's loupes, picks, magnifiers, tools..... just click it!
As you are digging yourself out of the winter snow, this is the season for end-of-season sales. Now is the time to buy for next fall/winter. Stick to classic designs, muted colors and if fashion is a concern, accessorize. Since Christmas is always coming, instead of waiting until December to scramble, if you are planning to buy sweaters or blankets as gifts, get them now and store them away at considerable savings.
for a browse through before going to the full price retail stores. Some items at Walmart or Target are similarly priced, but before whipping out the plastic card, get an idea of the discount prices available. As the spring warms up, you will also be able to find pie irons and skewers and other useful tools for cooking without electricity.
Florida has posted no (NO) tax free holidays. Posted in the past, there were tax free days for hurricane supplies and back to school supplies. As with most government chores, this one will be done in the last minute, if at all.
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