You never know what is going to be put out on a table in a driveway and you never know when you are going to find a treasure you weren't looking for. I tried to keep a running list of shoes sizes and clothing sizes for the kids in a little notebook in my purse. As they grew up and grew into their own homes, those lists were replaced with lists of things they could use or I needed to maintain or improve our homes.
The first time I bought a power tool on the word of the homeowner without testing it by plugging it in was the last time I bought anything electric on the word of the homeowner. Most people are honest, but I was taken advantage of by one who wasn't and that never happened again. There is no shame in trying on a shoe (if you are wearing clean socks), and no shame in asking if you can plug in a power tool or other electric appliance. There is also no shame in walking away from a deal that is too good to be true.
I spent about one extra gallon of gas on this yard sale trip since I veered off my path home chasing the signs posted on the main road to the actual sale. There were several yards I just drove past. Sometimes, I am in the market for baby clothes or baby items, but rarely in pink! So, I drive by and on to the next sign. This weekend I did not use my web locator site because I did not have time to shop too many sales. I had other things to do; a movie with family, an errand for a neighbor who couldn't get out of her house, lunch with mother, and even some 'me' time.
I am always in the market for an antique I can use at the camp side and the irons make great door stops. They are prep items that hide in plain site. I know someone who will appreciate a gift box edition of The Hobbit and the portable blind I bought as a pattern to make more. The thermal underwear are my idea of pajamas in the winter. All these Items appealed to my eye and then to my wallet.
Preparing for hard times is a habit for me now. Once the bug for treasure hunting bites you, it will serve you well, too. Check out some yard sale tip sites. Be yourself and hunt like the deal is the deer and the money is the bullet! You only need one well placed shot to bring down the big game!