New Food Containers are available at Dollar Tree. If you don't shop there often or you are looking to purchase in bulk, you can go tho their website, order your goods and pick them up in store. They have an online catalog and a store locator. I like to purchase a few things by the case. When I find something I can use, use a lot of or want to store something that is of high quality and worth the space to store, I buy by the case.
Unit Price: $1.00
Minimum Qty: 36 (1 case)
I first saw these sandwich containers and knew I needed two for the summer cooler and then as I was picking up a smaller container, I thought first aid kits! Gift kits! I have the holidays in mind all year around!. These sandwich containers and their smaller cousins have a gasket around the top locking lid for additional protection against water or air. The flaps lock down the lid and they are pretty stackable. These smaller ones are TWO for a dollar. They will hold a fire starting kit neatly.
For a fire starting kit, fill your container with matches, cotton balls, a small magnesium fire striker or a couple of flint rocks. Also in the Arts and Crafts section or floral supply section, you will find raffia. This dry plant material is good to make a small nest to catch the sparks, just blow on the sparks and they will burst in to flame. You could soak some of those cotton balls with petroleum jelly and put into a zippered bag inside the kit box. Add a piece of paper with instructions on how to start a fire in each container and give as a gift to campers, hikers, or preppers.
For a personal hygiene kit: Fill a container with a small bottle of antibacterial gel, a zip bag full of baby wipes, a travel toothpaste and a small travel toothbrush. If there is room add a small nail brush or nail grooming kit. Add a travel container of body wash and make all soaps or cleansing gels, unscented. Don't forget a deodorant or substitute the tooth paste with a baggie of baking soda for a general purpose tooth and body cleanser. If your container is large enough add in a medicated body powder or foot powder.
If you fill a sandwich container with band aids, liquid skin, first aid cream, aspirin or other pain reliever, a snake bite kit or instructions for first aid, you have a first aid kit. Put a First aid kit, a fire starter kit and a personal grooming kit together in a shoe box or larger food container and you have a great gift to give your prepper.
Kits for the camping family can include an activity kit. Add in a container of kids games and things to keep them busy when there is down time. A game kit could contain a small coloring book and small box of crayons ( crayons make good fire starters, too), or a pad of paper and some markers. Dollar Tree has a toy department with small puzzles, magic tricks, pocket toys coloring and activity books. Grab some glow sticks for fun after dark. It is not rude to care enough to put in an activity book that teaches, either. Also take your container with you down the aisle and see what you can fit into it! Books that can be read to a child around a fire a a fine gift.

I always packed a couple of small bottles of bubbles when we went camping with kids. Bubbles are magic to the little ones, and they are soap if you run out. Activities for kids that are past the bubble age could be drawing what they see, making a map from memory, or free time drawing. There are bug catching kits for the bug lovers and toy binoculars to let kids copy what they see parents do without touching parent's expensive equipment! Camping is a great time to introduce kids to the idea of making their own fun and playing with toys that have no power cord, so add in a yo-yo, jacks or marbles.
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