Regular cleaning ammonia is 5 - 10% ammonia and the rest water. Industrial ammonia is about 25% ammonia. The stronger the concentration of ammonia, the more corrosive and the more dangerous to use without a gas mask. caution must be taken at all times. Never mix with bleach. Do not breathe vapors.
In the garden, use ammonia on cucumbers to give them a boost of nitrogen. Dilute a quarter cup of household ammonia in one gallon of water. Be careful not to spray ammonia undiluted onto anything, ever and wash cukes before eating.
mark all containers WELL and never mix with chlorine |
Stains on concrete, use one cup ammonia to one gallon water. Brush on and rinse.
Keep animals out of the trash by spraying cans with half strength ammonia and water. Or, use a household strength ammonia cleaner on the outside of the bags as you take them out each night.
If you can't reach the wasp and hornet spray, grab the household strength ammonia and use the spray to shoo them away from you, then soak the nest. Later when they are all gone, knock down the nest and clean the place it was attached to with more ammonia cleaner.
It's just ammonia in aa applicator |
Clean gold and silver jewelry by soaking in a solution of 1/2 cup ammonia in 1/2 cup water for 10 minutes, wipe with a soft cloth and air dry. Never use ammonia on pearls or jewelry containing pearls.
Clean brass and silver items with a soft brush dipped in ammonia. Wipe with soft cloth.
For a load of greasy work clothes, add a cup of ammonia to the washer and use the pre-soak cycle.
Used with caution, ammonia is the go to cleaner. Store lots.
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